Monitoring and evaluating your event
Monitoring and evaluation might be low on your list of priorities, but it's very useful for keeping track of what you have done (and what you still have to do). Evaluating your data, feedback, and the impacts you've made is great for showing the value of open homes events, reporting back to partners, funders and stakeholders, figuring out how you can improve in future, and giving yourselves a big pat on the back when you see everything you've done!
Using questionnaires for open homes events - guidance
Longer questionnaire (A4)
Shorter questionnaire (A5)
Postcard questionnaire (ready to send to a printer)
To request some printed postcard questionnaires, or speak to someone about setting up a Green Open Homes event, email us at or give us a call on 0117 934 1400 (ask to speak to someone about Green Open Homes).